

We are always in need of volunteers to don the fluro and umpire. If you are interested to learn or happy to pick it back up after years off, please get in contact with us. 

Our club is very fortunate to have two of our countries top umpires who can provide on-going training and mentoring.

We encourage junior / senior players or parents to consider umpiring in the local competition.

All divisions are responsible for their own umpire allocations.

2022 Umpires and Mentors:

Fiona Bryce 0400 968 606 All Juniors → D3 Women Yes
Vinny Duncan 0400 321 924 Learning U13 - needs mentor No
AJ Duncan 0400 321 924 Learning U13 - needs mentor No
Callum Taylor - U11, learning U13 - needs mentor No
Jordan Peacock - Learning U11 - needs mentor No
Harry Lynch - Learning U13 - needs mentor No
Harrison  - U11, learning U13 - needs mentor No
Jasmine Duncan 0400 321 924 Up to U15 Girls No
Sienna Duncan  0400 321 924 U13 Girls No
Jack Daveson - - No
Will Roach 0487 260 307 Up to D2 Men Yes - but needs notice
Will Lapsley 0427 746 164 Up to D2 Men Yes - but needs notice
Kerryl Brown 0424 922 454 Up to D1 Women Yes - but needs notice
Debbie O'Connell 0411 717 867 Up to D1 Women Yes - but needs notice


Umpire analysis page run by Keely Dunn (Retired International Umpire) - FH Umpires

Hockey Qld Umpires support and Information Facebook page - Hockey Qld Umpires Group

Nambour Junior Umpire Developement Information - Umpiring Powerpoint

Files available for download

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